Here’s a look at area A&E events over the next two weeks.
LIVE 765 is published on the first and third Thursdays of the month. To submit calendar items, email Live765@gannett.com. Deadline for the Dec. 5 issue is Tuesday, Nov. 26.
21 Thursday
Wines on the Terrace — Featuring P.J. Valckenberg wines from Germany, appetizers and a silent auction. 4:30-8:30 p.m., Fowler House Mansion, 909 South St., Lafayette. $20. 21+. fowlerhouse.org/wines
Chamber Recital II — Purdue University Bands & Orchestras. 7 p.m., Fowler Hall, Purdue Stewart Center. Free. purdue.edu/bands
Chris Jones — Hypnotist from "America’s Got Talent." 8 p.m., Lafayette Theater, 600 Main St., Lafayette. $20-$30 adults, $5 age 2-10. lafayettetheater.com

BEST BET: "Nassim"
Hailed by The New York Times as “an affectionate play about friendship,” “Nassim” has thrilled sold-out audiences worldwide since its premiere in Edinburgh in 2017. An exhilarating, playful and soulful work about how an open mind for spontaneity and camaraderie keeps us human, the premise includes a sealed envelope, a new actor every night, perhaps some unexpected guests, no rehearsals and numerous surprises. No two friendships are the same; neither are any two nights of “Nassim.” Presented by Purdue Convocations in partnership with Civic Theatre of Greater Lafayette, the show is performed in the intimate Monon Depot Theatre, 320 N. Fifth St., in Lafayette, and features a different talented local cast member each night – flying without a net. The five-night run began last week, but you still have four chances to see the show: 7:30 p.m. Nov. 21; 7 p.m. Nov. 22; and 4 and 8 p.m. Nov. 23. Tickets are $20-$25 and are available at convocations.org.
22 Friday
Friday Night Live — Featuring Laidler Jazz Quartet. 7-8 p.m., Art Museum of Greater Lafayette, 102 S. 10th St., Lafayette. Free. artlafayette.org
"Elf Jr. The Musical" — A Redbrick Theatre Production. 7:30 p.m. Delphi Opera House, 109 S. Washington St., Delphi. $10-$25. Through Nov. 24. delphioperahouse.org
Purdue Symphony Orchestra — With Purdue String Orchestra. 8 p.m., Long Center for the Performing Arts, 111 N. Sixth St., Lafayette. Free. purdue.edu/bands
23 Saturday
"Akhnaten" — By Phillip Glass, part of the Metropolitan Opera series simulcast live in HD. 12:55 p.m., Eastside 10 IMAX Theater, 300 Farabee Dr., Lafayette. $14-$18. Encore presentation on Dec. 4. goodrichqualitytheaters.com
All Things Bright and Beautiful — Lafayette Children’s Choir extolls the magnificence of Mother Earth. 4 p.m., Christ United Methodist Church, 3610 S. 18th St., Lafayette. $10 adults, $5 students 18+ with ID. lafayettemasterchorale.org
"Elf Jr. The Musical" — (See. Nov. 22 listing.) 7:30 p.m. Delphi Opera House, Delphi. Also Nov. 24. delphioperahouse.org
Purdue Philharmonic Orchestra — 8 p.m., Long Center for the Performing Arts, 111 N. Sixth St., Lafayette. Free. purdue.edu/bands
24 Sunday
Moderns and Others — Featuring works by Javier Busto, Ola Gjeilo, Cecilia MacDowell and more (including four works by local composers), presented by Lafayette Chamber Singers. 3 p.m., Unitarian Universalist Church, 333 Meridian St., WL. $20 adults, $15 students and seniors. lafayettechambersingers.org
"Elf Jr. The Musical" — (See. Nov. 22 listing.) 3 p.m. Delphi Opera House, Delphi. Final show. delphioperahouse.org
Purdue Collegiate Band — With Purdue Fall Concert Band. 2:30 p.m., Rohrman Performing Arts Center, Jefferson High School, 1801 S. 18th St., Lafayette. Free. purdue.edu/bands

"The Very Hungry Caterpillar" — Eric Carle’s timeless children’s book comes to life onstage with 75 lovable puppets, presented by Purdue Convocations. 3 p.m., Loeb Playhouse, Purdue Stewart Center. $12-$17. convocations.org
29 Friday
"An Improvised Greeting Card Christmas Special" — One Size Fits All improv troupe spoofs television holiday specials. 7 p.m., Monon Depot Theatre, 320 N. Fifth St., Lafayette. $12. Also Nov. 30. improvchristmasspecial.brownpapertickets.com
COFRESI — Live DJ plus digital-acoustic drums, with special guests Shy Guy Says and Baybanz. 8 p.m., Carnahan Hall, 2200 Elmwood Ave., Lafayette. $8 in advance, $10 day of show. Also Nov. 30. carnahanhall.com
30 Saturday
"An Improvised Greeting Card Christmas Special" — (See Nov. 29 listing.) 7 p.m., Monon Depot Theatre, 320 N. Fifth St., Lafayette. $12. improvchristmasspecial.brownpapertickets.com
COFRESI — (See Nov. 29 listing.) 8 p.m., Carnahan Hall, 2200 Elmwood Ave., Lafayette. $8 in advance, $10 day of show. carnahanhall.com
4 Wednesday
St. John’s Lunchtime Concert — 20-minute concert featuring Rebecca Seekatz, mezzo soprano, followed by a light lunch. 12:10 p.m., St. John’s Episcopal Church, 600 Ferry St., Lafayette. Free, $5 suggested donation for lunch. stjohns-laf.org
"Akhnaten" — By Phillip Glass, an encore presentation of the Metropolitan Opera simulcast. 6:30 p.m., Eastside 10 IMAX Theater, 300 Farabee Dr., Lafayette. $14-$18. goodrichqualitytheaters.com
BEST BET: Christmas Festival of Music & Readings
The event, which began at Wabash College in 1968, is modeled on the King’s College Festival of Lessons and Carols at Cambridge University in England, and includes musical numbers, congregational hymns and carols, and readings from the Bible. Prelude begins at 7:30 p.m., followed by the festival at 8 p.m. in Pioneer Chapel on the Crawfordsville campus. The event is free and open to the public. Go to wabash.edu/news/displaystory.cfm?news_ID=11240 for more information.
Art Museum of Greater Lafayette, 102 S. 10th St., Lafayette. artlafayette.org
- “Black American Voices — Shared Culture, Values, and Emotions,” through Dec. 1
- “My View From Seven Feet: Paintings by Joe Barry Carroll,” through Dec. 1
- “Moving Lands: Oil Paintings by Anne R. Parks,” through Feb. 9, 2020
Chapel Gallery, 321 W. Main St., Delphi. chapelgallery.org
- Works by members of the Chapel Gallery Artists Guild
General Lew Wallace Study & Museum, 200 Wallace Ave., Crawfordsville. ben-hur.com
- “From Crawfordsville to Constantinople: Traveling with the Wallaces,” through Dec. 6

Haan Mansion Museum of Indiana Art, 920 E. State St., Lafayette. haanmuseum.org
- “Christmas at the Haan Museum,” Nov. 29-Dec. 29.
Linden Depot Museum, 520 N. Main St., Linden. lindendepotmuseum.org
- Christmas at Linden Depot Museum, noon-5 p.m. Friday-Sunday Nov. 22- Dec. 29.
Purdue Black Cultural Center, 1100 Third St., WL. purdue.edu/bcc/
- “Digitalia,” works by animator, musician and film director Jeron Braxton, through Nov. 28
Purdue University Galleries, cla.purdue.edu/galleries
- Robert L. Ringel Gallery, Purdue Stewart Center. “Ministry of Truth: Art of the Propaganda Poster,” through Dec. 7
- Rueff Galleries, Pao Hall. Visual Communication Design Senior Show, through Nov. 26; reception 5:30 p.m. Nov. 21.
Tippecanoe Arts Federation, 639 North St., Lafayette. tippecanoearts.org
- Leanne McGiveron, Lisa Walsh, Al Pounders, through Nov. 22
Wabash College, Eric Dean Art Gallery, Fine Arts Center, Crawfordsville. wabash.edu
- “Unholding,” metal work and silverpoint drawings by Jessica Mohl, through Dec. 6
- “The Bellbird’s Morning Song,” two-dimensional images and three-dimensional sculptures created for recent short films, by Damon Mohl, through Dec. 6
West Lafayette Public Library, 208 W. Columbia St., WL wlaf.lib.in.us
- Studio 205 art exhibit, through Nov. 24
Brokerage Brewing Company, 2516 Covington St., WL
- Thursday Night Live, featuring Greg Jones, 5:30-8 p.m., first Thursday of each month
- Beers & Hymns, casual sing-along with beer, 7-8 p.m., last Sunday of each month
Digby’s Pub, 133 N. Fourth St., Lafayette. digbyspub.com
- Monday night euchre, sign-up at 7 p.m., games begin at 8 p.m.
- CoyoteBear and James Moon, 9 p.m. Nov. 22, no cover; Barney Muggers and Daisy Abercorn, 9 p.m. Nov. 29; Graciously Departed, 9 p.m. Nov. 30
Knickerbocker Saloon, 113 N. Fifth St., Lafayette
- Karaoke, 8 p.m. Mondays
- Open Mic Night, 7 p.m. Nov. 23; Jeff Anderson, 9 p.m. Nov. 27
Linnwood Tavern, 1244 N. 14th St., Lafayette
- BrainBlast Trivia, hosted by Lisa Smith, 7 p.m. Tuesdays
Nami’s Bar & Grill, 102 N. Third St., Lafayette.
- Shorty’s Showcase open mic night, hosted by Marc Ridge and Jeffrey Lageveen, 9 p.m. Wednesdays
- Karaoke Night, 9 p.m. Thursdays
Nine Irish Brothers, nineirishbrothers.com
- East: 3520 IN 38 E, Lafayette. Music starts at 7 p.m. unless noted. Jonathan Ramsey, Nov. 22; Matt Hill, Nov. 23; Highland Reign, 8 p.m. Nov. 29; Traveler’s Dream, Nov. 30
- West: 119 Howard Ave., WL. Music starts at 9 p.m. Highland Reign, Nov. 22; Laughing Jack, Nov. 23
People’s Brewery, 2006 N. Ninth St., Lafayette
- People’s Live Music Series, 6 p.m. Tuesdays., 21+. Knollwood Boys, Nov. 26; Dead Batteries, Dec. 3
Professor Joe’s, 648 Main St., Lafayette.
- Open Mic Night with Jason Wells, 8 p.m. Tuesdays
- Free live trivia with prizes, 8-10 p.m. Wednesdays
- Karaoke Night, 9 p.m.-midnight, second and last Thursdays. 18+
Red Seven Bar & Grill, 200 Main St., Lafayette
- Danny Weiss Trio, live jazz, 6-8:30 p.m. Fridays. dannyweissjazz.com
Spot Tavern, 409 S. Fourth St., Lafayette. spottavern.com
- People’s Live Music Series, 9 p.m. Fridays, $10, 21+. Latin Funk Night with ESSO, Nov. 22
Teay’s River Brewing & Public House, 3000 S. Ninth St., Lafayette. teaysriverbrewing.com
- Live music, 7-9 p.m. Wednesdays: Ryan Rollins, Nov. 27
Walt’s Pub & Grill, 1050 Kalberer Rd., WL.
- — Michael Kelsey, 8 p.m., first Thursday of the month
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